
While braces are usually known for straightening teeth, you can use braces and orthodontics for other conditions.


  • Crooked teeth – cosmetic yes, but a good smile can make you feel happy and confident about yourself.
  • Uneven bites- this can cause jaw pain or cracked teeth in the long run.
  • Uneven teeth- you can have a misaligned jaw or pain from teeth that don’t bite flush.
  • Missing teeth – you can have orthodontics replace missing teeth and complete your smile.
  • Gaps between teeth -orthodontics can help bring teeth together and close unsightly gaps.
  • Facilitating bridge work – when you’re getting teeth replaced, orthodontics help stabilise your teeth and jaw.


The sooner you can identify and treat a problem with poorly formed teeth and jaws, the easier it will be to correct and the less pain the patient will suffer. Your child should see your friendly Bacchus Marsh dentist while they’re young so we can plot a course of treatment, adjustment and perfect smiles.


Braces are no longer the hard, metal devices that people would hide by not smiling. They are no longer associated with just “bad teeth”. Adults are using braces to adjust their smiles too. It is never too late to smile.


Innovative approaches to orthodontics


The friendly dentists at Treat Dental Bacchus Marsh are well-versed in the many forms of teeth alignment. We use orthodontics to develop healthier facial profiles, which can help you breathe easier, sleep better and keep your teeth. There is often no need for extractions. Come visit us today for genuine dentists in Bacchus Marsh.


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