DATE | 14 Apr 2020

The Most Common Habits That Can Stain Your Teeth

We all know that prevention is the best medicine for illnesses, but this also applies to the state of your teeth. Apart from practicing proper oral hygiene, the most effective way to maintain a bright smile is to avoid or limit staining substances. You are probably familiar with many of the most common culprits, however some may surprise you. Knowing what can cause yellow teeth and other types of discolouration is the first step, so read on if you want to protect your precious pearly whites.


 Regardless of whether it is smoked or chewed, tobacco causes unsightly staining of the teeth. The sooner you quit the better in order to prevent further staining. Smoking affects your mouth in more ways than one though – it’s a major cause of oral cancer and makes you more susceptible to gum disease. Do your mouth a favour and cut out the ciggies asap!

Eating Staining Foods

Any foods that stain your fingers or your clothes are likely to also stain your teeth. Some of the most offensive stainers include highly pigmented fruits and veg such as blueberries, blackberries and beetroot, and richly coloured sauces like soy sauce, tomato-based pasta sauce and curry sauce. With its dark pigments and sticky consistency, balsamic vinegar will also cause stains.

Drinking Staining Beverages

People around the world rely on coffee and tea to get their caffeine fix; unfortunately, both of these beverages contain tannins, which can discolour teeth if consumed very frequently. Simply adding milk to your cuppa can help address this issue.

Wine is another culprit, however there is a misconception that only red wine stains teeth. Red wine does contain stronger tannins, but the acidity of both red and white varieties can soften tooth enamel and make your teeth more susceptive to stains from other kinds of foods and beverages. The acids, pigments and sugar in carbonated soft drinks, sport drinks and fruit juices can also lead to discolouration. Try to eliminate these drinks from your diet, or consume in moderation and with a paper or metal straw if you can.

Lack of H20

Not drinking plenty of water won’t just lead to dehydration – it will also make your teeth more prone to staining. Whatever your preference, be it still or sparkling, quenching your thirst with H20 neutralises the pH of your mouth and helps to prevent stains by rinsing away any staining substances lingering on your teeth after polishing off a meal. This is especially important if you’ve consumed any of the teeth staining foods or beverages mentioned above.

Bad Oral Hygiene

The practice of brushing twice a day and flossing daily was no doubt drilled into you as a kid, but as dentists we know that sometimes people let this important habit slip. It is essential to brush and floss everyday in order to reduce the build-up of plaque that forms on the surfaces of teeth and retains stains. If you need some help with your flossing of brushing technique, our Ballarat-based dentists are more than happy to give you some tips. Nourishing your body with a balanced diet with plenty of greens and limiting sugar intake also goes a long way to keeping your teeth free from stains.

Skipping the Dentist

A routine dental check-up and clean is a vital part of a good oral care routine. We recommend visiting our modern Bacchus Marsh dentist surgery twice a year. Our dentists can examine your teeth and gums for early signs of problems and also provide advice about maintain a sparkling white smile.

If your teeth are already quite stained, speak to the Treat Dental team about our teeth whitening services. Contact us today to make an appointment with one of our friendly dentists.

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